How to Use a Vector Mask in Photoshop

What is a vector mask and how do you use one in Photoshop? In this tutorial video from Phlearn, Aaron Nace introduces us to the usefulness of vector masks and he teaches us how and why you would use a vector mask (instead of a layer mask) to remove an object from an image within […]

How to Place a Logo Behind a Person in Photoshop

In this video from Phlearn, Aaron Nace walks through how to place a logo behind a person in Photoshop. The process is pretty straightforward but can vary in the level of complexity depending on how detailed the background is. You’ll need to select the subject from the background using something like the magic wand or the […]

How to make difficult hair selections in Photoshop CC

If you photograph people or even furry animals, then at some point you’re probably going to have to make some kind of hair selection that lets you cut your subject out from its background. While cutting out hard edged shapes like body parts covered in skin or clothes are often fairly straightforward, hair can still […]

The post How to make difficult hair selections in Photoshop CC appeared first on DIY Photography.

Photoshop Luminance Masks

Editor’s Note: Don’t miss this week’s free event on when to jump from Lightroom to Photoshop.   Photoshop Luminance Masks are a great way to edit an image targeting just the areas you want. These masks aren’t solid black and whites but mirror the luminance values of a channel or channels. Lets jump into Photoshop and see […]