Bad news for Kodachrome lovers: Kodak may not be re-launching the iconic film after all

Film photographers all over the world had high hopes for the comeback of Kodachrome. However, it appears we’ll have to wait for it. Probably for a long, long time. The problems with film processing haven’t been resolved, so it may be unlikely for this iconic film to reach the users again. After announcing the return […]

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Kodak are “investigating” the possibility of bringing back Kodachrome

The film so famous that Paul Simon wrote a song about it may be coming back. Kodak’s Kodachrome was the choice of both hobbyist and professional photographers for years. It was first released in 1935, and production ran all the way until 2009. Despite digital already having taken a firm grasp on the world of […]

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History Of How Film & Camera Tech Evolved To Expose Different Skin Tones More Accurately

In the quick video clip below, professor Lorna Roth (of Concordia University in Montreal), helps to covers the who, what, why, where, and when film and camera technology began making strides in an effort to more accurately capture and portray the wide variety of skin tones that make up the human race. In the early […]

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