“The Shwop” lets you turn any softbox into a reflector

I don’t know when mounting strobes the wrong way around inside softboxes became a thing. But, apparently it is. More mysterious than the “when”, though is the “why?”. The Shwop is a new product on Kickstarter that lets you do exactly this, though. Reverse mount a strobe inside a softbox. They do list a few […]

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This triple lens holder hangs from your waist so that you “Never miss a shot”

You do see some strange things popping up on Kickstarter. This one doesn’t launch for another 17 days or so, but I think it definitely qualifies as a little strange. It’s the TriLens Holder from a company called Frii. On first glance, it might seem quite useful. A neat new idea that could be a […]

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Jollylook: a folding instant camera made almost entirely from cardboard

A new interesting project has been launched on Kickstarter, and vintage camera fans might like it. Meet Jollylook: a simple folding instant camera made entirely from recycled paper and cardboard. When you fold it, it takes no more room than a smartphone box. It’s a mechanical camera with no electronic components whatsoever. Just cardboard, paper, […]

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Steadicam’s new Volt electronic smartphone stabiliser keeps working even when the batteries die

Steadicam, the devices famous for stabilising Hollywood’s footage for decades, are refocusing their efforts towards phones. Tiffen, Steadicam’s owners, have just announced the Steadicam Volt. Taking square aim at the influx of motorised handheld gimbals launched recently, the Volt works a little differently. It also offers advantages over those motorised gimbals we’ve come to know. […]

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GearEye wants to be the only solution you need for tracking your equipment

Losing equipment is one of a photographer’s biggest fears. But, it happens. You’re out on location, having a good time, you pack away your stuff and think you’ve got everything. Then you get home and realise you have to walk 90 minutes in the pitch black to go back to the location you just left to […]

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Primoplan 58 f1.9 should be a razor sharp lens wrapped in fabulous bokeh

You know the saying “they don’t make them like they used to”? Apparently, Meyer Optik wants to make them exactly like they used to. And by them, I mean lenses. After resurrecting the Trioplan f2.9/50 and the Trioplan f2.8/100 Meyer Optik are now bringing a new series of lenses to life, starting with the Primoplan 58 f1.9. All via Kickstarter. […]

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F-Stop Gear officially announce the death of KitSentry and that backers will not be refunded

A week or so ago, Resource magazine published a pretty in-depth article into what’s going on with F-Stop Gear. More specifically, their long overdue KitSentry Kickstarter project. Now, F-Stop Gear has announced an end to the project. F-Stop Gear also stated that they will not be reimbursing backers. The KitSentry looked very promising. You have ID […]

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Blincam lets you take photos simply by winking at your subject

Let’s face it, the attached camera was pretty much the only decent feature of Google Glass. It’s also a feature that raised quite a few privacy concerns. The new Blincam, which allows its wearer to shoot a photograph simply by winking, also faces those same privacy issues. It also a presents a newer, slightly creepier, one. It’s […]

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