The ethics of Photojournalism

From time to time when I read about Street Photography, or during discussions with other photographers I get to hear that Street Photographers exploit people on the street by taking pictures without asking first. This opinion raises some valid questions including the ethics in Street Photography, but also shows the double standards that we follow in the […]

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MMA Photographer stripped of credentials and “banned for life” from UFC

Taking out his frustration on twitter after being ejected from the UFC 199 pay-per-view event on Saturday, journalist Ariel Helwani of MMA Fighting/SB Nation was seemingly escorted from the building by security prior to the main event. Along with him went photographer Esther Lin and video director E. Casey Leydon, also part of the SB Nation crew, all three […]

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Could YouTube Style “Matched Content” Be The Solution For Licensing Journalism and Photography?

Nobody likes having their creative content stolen, and everybody wants to be paid for their work. While file sharing has altered the power dynamic of the music industry – the music industry did successfully blow up Napster (if you’re under 30 you probably don’t recognize the name Napster – but its rise and fall was […]

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How USA TODAY Photographers Shoot the Emmy’s

In this video, USA TODAY photographers Robert Hanashiro and Dan MacMedan talk about how they approach shooting an awards show like the Emmy’s. A couple of interesting things jumped out at me. First, they’re shooting the red carpet with a single speedlight on simple flash bracket and an off-camera flash cord. That’s nothing super sexy in terms […]