Shoot great casual portraits and headshots with just one light and one modifier

Long before I decided to start shooting portraits, I was asked to photography people. Friends, family, their friends, and their friends. At the time, I wasn’t interested in photographing people, and didn’t really have much idea how to go about getting great photos of people. I usually declined and deferred to people who knew what […]

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How to avoid glare when shooting portraits of people wearing glasses

Whenever I see people posting questions about how to photograph people wearing glasses, they usually receive the same response. “Don’t, have them take their glasses off”. This is usually followed by some silly statement about it being impossible to avoid glare and reflections on glasses. Well, it’s not impossible. It’s actually pretty straightforward. As photographer […]

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Are photography trade shows, conferences and expos really worth going to?

Big photography shows happen all around the world. Some are much bigger than others, but are even the big ones worth going to? It’s a question I see asked quite often online, especially at the moment. The Photography Show is the biggest one here in the UK and it’s on next month. I’m going, and […]

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Don’t be a zombie photographer – Use your brain and find your soul

This is one of those posts that’s going to divide people. Some will love it and completely agree with everything said. Others will hate it, but it’s usually because they’re guilty of the things mentioned. If I’m completely honest, I might’ve done one or two of them myself in the past. But, ultimately, you don’t […]

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How dog toys and toilet paper can improve your portrait photography

Coming up with new and interesting ways to improve your portraits in the studio can sometimes be challenging. You feel like you’re just going through the motions session after session. Photographer, Joe Edelman, recently posted a video about the Light Blaster and how it can help you get more creative in the studio, to project […]

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Projection tricks to make the most out of a small studio

The Light Blaster has become one of my favourite lighting tools over the last few months. I first got to play with one in person at The Photography Show in March. Some of you might remember the cartoon portrait tutorial by Dracorubio posted here shortly afterwards. The image shown in that tutorial was shot at the show, with […]

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Tips and tricks for building a DIY home studio on a budget

Building a studio in your home is the dream for many photographers. Assuming you can convince the rest of your family it’s a good idea, it can even become a reality. For those just getting into studio photography, building a home studio may be an afterthought to a home you already own. You may be […]

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How to find a person’s “good side” and why you probably got yours wrong

The idea that a person’s face has a “good side” is not an unfamiliar concept. Many of us consistently favour one side of our face when we see a camera pointed at us. We are presenting what we believe is our “good side”. But, have we got even our own face wrong? In this video, […]

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Quickly and easily retouch shiny skin in Photoshop & Lightroom

Shiny skin can sometimes be a problem for portraits, especially if you don’t have a makeup artist. Camera LCDs are so small that you might not notice the shine while shooting. When the shoot’s all over and you’re looking at the images on the computer monitor, what can you do? There are a million different […]

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