Tons of Milk and Naked Models Transformed Into Stunning Fallen Angels (NSFW)

I’m sure most of you are familiar with Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz’s work by now. His signature splashed-milk photography has been featured twice before on the blog as well as on numerous media outlets across the world. But, as much as I liked his 1940’s Milky Pin-ups and loved his Splash Heroes, they both suddenly seem like […]

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Naked Models and Milk Become Star Wars Heroes (NSFW)

It seems like everything these days is either Star Wars or inspired by Star Wars. However, unlike many photos I’m seeing lately, this set is kickass in its own right. The concept itself isn’t new, but Barcelona-based photographer Manu Cabañero hit the nail on the head with his milk-splashed characters of Princess Leia, Like Skywalker […]

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