Photographer documents abandoned places in Fukushima in this devastating photo series

The very thought of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster can bring tears to your eyes. It’s been more than six years since this event, and consequences still remain visible. Many photographers have tried to explore this place and document the aftermath of the terrible accident. Very few of them have succeeded, and one of them is Rebecca […]

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Meet the USAAC Navigator who possesses the only photographs of the Hiroshima atomic explosion

The atomic bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th & 9th in 1945 remain the only use of nuclear weapons for warfare in mankind’s history. Six days later, Japan announced its surrender to the allies, effectively ending World War II. This event has seen much debate over the years, […]

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How one photographer captured the mood of Japan in infrared after the 2011 earthquake & tsunami

After returning to live in Tokyo 2012, photographer Philipp Zechner notice a shift in the behaviour and attitudes of the people there.  Gone was the optimism that had long ruled the country, replaced by fear and uncertainty for the future, and Philipp decided to document what he saw in a project titled Tokyo Radiant. This […]

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Japan earthquakes affect Sony sensor production, Fujifilm steps in to help damaged camera gear

Last week, two earthquakes struck southwestern Japan, leaving at least 41 people dead and substantial damage to the region, which is known for its manufacturing facilities. Sony was affected by the quakes, forcing operations at two of its factories to shut down for a period of time, while Fujifilm has offered to help in what can […]

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The History and Science of Lenses; Or Why Lenses Aren’t Named Anymore

Despite being as important as the camera body, lenses seem to get less attention. Sure some extremely large or expensive lenses are mentioned every once in a while, but looking back how much do you really know about lenses? Not that much I assume, but you probably know who invented the first camera and at […]

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Japan Introduces A Drone Hunting Drone – Nets Rough Drones In Mid Air

December is just not a month to be a drone owner. After the US decision to register all drones above half a pound, and now Tokyo Police are initiating a task force that will be able to net drones mid-air. How? Using a bigger drone, of course. The task force was initiated after a drone carrying […]

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At 101 Years Old, Japan’s First Female Photojournalist Still Loves Taking Photos

As a 25 year old, Tokyo born Tsuneko Sasamoto, made the decision to become a professional photographer. World War II was just getting underway and, in Japan, it was mostly unheard of for a woman to choose a career over a husband. That didn’t stop the young Sasamoto–she had been shooting since her early twenty’s, […]

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At 101 Years Old, Japan’s First Female Photojournalist Still Loves Taking Photos

As a 25 year old, Tokyo born Tsuneko Sasamoto, made the decision to become a professional photographer. World War II was just getting underway and, in Japan, it was mostly unheard of for a woman to choose a career over a husband. That didn’t stop the young Sasamoto–she had been shooting since her early twenty’s, […]

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Japanese Photographer Captures The Beauty Of Living In Japan

  Five years ago, Takashi Yasui’s niece was born. It was with this new arrival, Yasui would discover a passion for photography. What started out as a way to capture his beloved family, began evolving into a serious hobby. Now, Yasui works as a freelance photographer based out of Kyoto, Osaka, Japan–and his portfolio has […]

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