The first full Irix 11mm f/4 review is out and it looks very impressive

The Irix 11mm f/4 isn’t quite available yet, but the reviews have started coming in already. First mentioned at The Photography Show last year, it’s a much anticipated lens by landscape, architecture and astrophotographers looking to get ultrawide with full frame bodies.  Depending on the brand of camera you’re using, this is the widest non-fisheye […]

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Prices and specs announced for the new Irix 11mm f/4 lenses with glow in the dark markings

Last March, Irixi told us that they were working on an 11mm f/4 rectilinear lens. In September, DIYP even had the opportunity to play with one at Photokina. But now it’s official, the Irix 11mm f/4 is ready. An ultrawide rectilinear lens with very little distortion indeed, it’s a very impressive lens. As with the […]

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Exclusive: IRIX bringing out a 45mm f/1.4 lens + first samples from the IRIX 11mm f/4

Back in early 2016 we interviewed IRIX about their new line of wide angle primes.  Now we are back with some exclusive news and first sample photos. The good news: IRIX are moving from just Ultrawides to primes. Their first lens which was just announced is the IRIX 45mm f/1.4. You can see that lens […]

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