Microsoft just gave us the ultimate point & shoot app for phone photography

The promotional video for Microsoft’s new Pix app is very impressive. Sure, sometimes you want to get as much control as you can, so you fire up Camera+ or 645 Pro. Sometimes, though, you just want to bring up the app and grab a half decent snap. Now, Microsoft have now launched Pix, a camera application […]

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Lightroom Mobile now lets you edit DSLR Raw files on your phones and tablets

Lightroom Mobile for Android has had some Raw support for a while now, at least when you’re using the phone’s built in camera, but now Adobe have broadened this capability, adding support for Nikon, Canon and other Raw formats to Lightroom Mobile for both Android and iOS. Local adjustments have also been added, like those found […]

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RAW Photos Coming to iPhone in iOS 10

It looks like Apple will finally give us the opportunity to shoot and edit RAW images in the native camera app in the next iteration of iOS, due out later this year. Many Android users have had this benefit for quite some time, so it’s nice to see Apple finally getting around to giving photographers […]

RAW Photos Coming to iPhone in iOS 10

It looks like Apple will finally give us the opportunity to shoot and edit RAW images in the native camera app in the next iteration of iOS, due out later this year. Many Android users have had this benefit for quite some time, so it’s nice to see Apple finally getting around to giving photographers […]

Apple is finally giving us RAW photo support in iOS 10

Along with all the usual announcements about magical things and Siri, Apple have announced some of the new features coming to the camera and its software in iOS 10. As expected, facial recognition support is coming, which allows the camera to categorise the images you shoot automatically.  But the big news is that iOS is finally […]

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Kodak’s Professional Film Photography app is now available for the iPad and Android

Kodak released its free Professional Film App for the iPhone in 2012, and it’s seen a couple of small updates since then. Now, they’ve released both iPad and Android versions of the app. As somebody who got back into film a few years ago, I’ve kept my eye on various apps that have spawned for iOS and Android. I’ve […]

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Leaked iPhone 7 photos suggest dual cameras may be reserved only for the 7 Plus

Pretty much the only things that can be said for certain about the iPhone 7 are that it’ll eventually be announced (probably in September) and that it’ll be made by Apple. If either of these cases are even close to real, however, the standard iPhone 7 will not possess dual cameras, an feature likely reserved […]

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YouTube for iOS goes cardboard finally adding full support for both 360 degree and 3D Video

Today, as is the case most days, I check out my phone to see that I have an app update.  Given the number of iOS apps I’ve used over the years that have suddenly become useless, unstable, or removed significant features with newer versions, I’ve disabled automatic app updates. Upon seeing that an update was […]

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iPhone is the new Film

The best thing anyone ever said about one of my photographs was “That looks like shit.” — “ That (meaning my photograph) looks like shit.” I think it was something I posted on DPREVIEW or one of those other sites. Anyways, where I posted the photo is irrelevant. What is relivant is that that comment changed everything […]

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Improving Your Mobile Photography with Apps

The following post is from Constantin Opris, Dreamstime Professional Photographer, who shares some great tips and apps for improving your mobile photography. As smartphone cameras become better and faster, there’s a growing interest in mobile photography. The considerable advantage for mobile photographers comes in the form of integrated applications that allow them to setup, take and […]