Deal: Fuji Instax Wide 300 Camera & Film for $99

Adorama has the Fuji Instax Wide 300 instant camera and a 20-pack of Instax film for $99.99 (reg. $114.95) as a 48-hour sale (through mid-day Thursday). Check it out while it lasts here at Adorama. Copyright/DMCA Notice: The RSS entry was originally published on Photography Bay. RSSID#794326

Film beat out GoPros and drones as the best-selling photo gear on Amazon this holiday season

Amazon has become the go-to place for holiday shopping. This year was no exception, with the Seattle-based web retailer raking in record numbers of Prime subscriptions, hardware purchases and, most importantly, overall revenue. One of the most interesting tidbits in Amazon’s annual holiday sales report is the product that takes the top spot in the […]

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Fuji Instax Mini 70 Unveiled

Fuji has unveiled a new instant film camera – the Instax Mini 70, which features an updated design and improved flash performance. The Instax Mini 70 uses the 2×3″ Instax ISO 800 instant film and features automatic exposure. It also has a mirror on the front of the lens barrel for easier framing of selfies. […]