Travel instagram copycat suspected to be a staged attention grabbing hoax

For those of you who haven’t been paying much attention for the last couple of weeks, there’s been a bit of an Instagram stalking thing going on. At least, that’s the story being portrayed. Instagrammer Lauren Bullen has a very large following. She travels the world and documents her adventures. “Diana Alexa” is, apparently, following in her footsteps. […]

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What Do You Do When Someone Travels Around The World To Copy You

Some cases of plagiarism are the usual copy-the-photo-and-present-as-their-own, but this one found by Pratik Naik and Bella Kotak just tops them all. At the base of the story are Lauren Bullen and Jack Morris two travel photographers and some of Instagram’s power couples, and Instagram’s favorite travel power couple with just over two million followers combined. Yesterday, Lauren shared […]

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Shopping is coming to Instagram

Facebook’s takeover of Instagram becomes more apparent by the day. We’ve seen ads, selective algorithm driven feeds, business pages and other features. Some good, some bad. Now, we get online shopping, too. We already have ads popping up in our feeds as we browse. Now we’ll start seeing them inside the posts themselves. Facebook’s own “marketplace” […]

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This 20-year old’s drone shots will inspire you and probably make you want to move to Australia

Shooting stills and video with drones is ridiculously popular, and shows no signs of slowing down. A lot of drone shots, though, are very much just the same old thing everybody else is doing. Occasionally, though, you come across something special and interesting. The work of 20-year old Gabriel Scanu is such a thing. Looking […]

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10 things I learned from my first Instagram takeover

At the time of my takeover of the Visit Faroe Islands Instagram account, my own account was around 5k followers. To briefly run and manage a page that has surpassed 100k was a great learning experience. Here’s a few things I learned along the way that might help others 1. At that level, you will naturally […]

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Tips for photographers on Instagram – How small pictures can make a big difference in a mobile driven world

Quite often other photographers tell me “I don’t have time for another social network and I don’t need Instagram”. Yet they spend hours posting on Facebook, 500px and Flickr where almost zero potential clients will see their work. They’re basically getting followers, likes and comments coming from other photographers. Instagram can be useful in ways […]

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Instagram App is now officially available on Windows 10

It’s taken a while, but it’s finally happened. Instagram is finally available for Windows 10 tablets. An app had previously been released for Windows 10 Mobile back in April, but now we have it on the Windows desktop. It features all the usual features, including Instagram Stories, messaging and Explore. You’ll also be able to capture, […]

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How Chase Jarvis lost $1 billion by not “selling Instagram” to Facebook

For those that haven’t heard the name Chase Jarvis, he’s basically the guy who kicked off the whole mobile photography thing, amongst other accolades. In 2009, Chase released a book called The Best Camera Is The One That’s With You. It’s interesting viewing, filled with images shot using early iPhones. Alongside the book was an accompanying iPhone app […]

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Daredevil instagram star dies train surfing in New York

“Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking Instagram account” seems to be the mantra these days. The trend of doing whatever it takes to get the shot with little thought for personal safety has risen tremendously over the last couple of years. One such person was photographer Christopher Serrano, who died on Wednesday while attempting to “train […]

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