Short Movie Shows How Happy Casual Social Media Photos Are Really Taken

I’ve always held the opposite opinion when confronted with the phrase “The camera never lies”. If you ask me, the camera’s always lied and that lying often causes controversy. This amusing video by Bí Kíp Sống Ảo goes some way towards showing just how true this is, especially when it comes to social media photography. Even before digital, the […]

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Wedding photographer gets accidental baptism by falling into a fountain

When the world says one needs to get immersed in their craft to become the best, I don’t think this is what they’re talking about. While we don’t have any details on the couple or photographer in this video, what we do know is that a photographer managed to give himself and his camera gear […]

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4K time-lapse from NASA shows the sun’s explosive corona in action

Six years ago, NASA launched its Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), a mission and accompanying module designed to monitor the sun in an attempt to better understand its electromagnetic behavior and the various phenomena it impacts. A major component of this was to capture consistent images using extreme ultraviolet imaging, a technic used due to its […]

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World record for light painting orbs broken…again…this time with 900 orbs

It’s been done once, but as with almost any world record, it’s inevitable it will be done time and time again, with each new attempt more grandiose than the last. We’re talking light painting orbs. Last time we covered the Guinness World Record for most light orbs in an image it was from the The […]

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