I Created Self Portraits In Iceland & The Pacific Northwest To Tell My Coming Out Story

Over the course of the last two years following my personal coming out experience, I created a series of images to portray the deep emotions I felt while coping with my newly discovered sense of identity. At first it felt like I was isolated in a vast and unforgiving world but I quickly realized being […]

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Stop Motion photography brings Honda advert (and photographic inspiration) to life

Stop motion animation is hardly a new art, but the brand new advertisement PES created for Honda takes the art form to a new level. Instead of trying to deliver a smooth animation, the advert ‘breaks the fourth wall‘ and features the hands making the animation as part of the animation itself. Following the cues and […]

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Being Prepared Makes all the Difference

I love the Boy Scout motto of Be Prepared. As a photographer that often means carrying extra batteries, a spare camera, and an extra memory card. But also knowing the location, and what conditions you’ll be working under. Practice Ahead of Time We just recently moved into a house with a pool, and I have […]

A Spectacular Portrait Series Showing The Sportsmen And Women Of The 1900′

One of my favorite things about photography is how it enables “time travel”. Photographer Freddy Fabris (previously) took his models on a ride to 1900’s where he re-created a series of 1900’s sportsmen. Freddy shares that “The series was inspired by late 1800‘s, early 1900‘s studio portrait photography, with their use of painted backdrops and simple props” that was […]

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Behind The Scenes with Sports Illustrated, Will Smith and Michael Grecco

I’m sure almost everybody would love to have the opportunity to photograph the likes of Will Smith for a high profile magazine like Sports Illustrated.  I know I sure would. For the vast majority of us that will almost certainly never happen, but award winning Director and Photographer Michael Grecco recently did exactly that. What’s the next […]

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Neuroscientist Take On Photography Is Hypnotic And Disgusting At The Same Time

Having recently stumbled across the work of Scientist and Fine Art Photographer Dr Eran Gilat I immediately fell in love with it. Some may find his subject matter a little bit weird or creepy, but it definitely hits the spot for me from both aesthetic and technical standpoints.  Perhaps that’s because it’s a little bit weird and creepy, but […]

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Offbeat with Clemens Vanderwerf

It is not often one finds someone willing to traipse around the chilly Alaskan countryside, looking for moose. But, that is precisely what I found when I met Clemens Vanderwerf last spring. We had already spent a week on the Kachemak Bay photographing eagles, sea otters, Stellar’s Sea Lions and a host of pelagic seabirds. […]

The inspiring story of how Jeremy Cowart came to be the most influential photographer on the internet

Two words can make or break a man. That is the lesson learned in a wonderfully inspiring video, titled I’m Possible, from renowned illustrator-turned-photographer, Jeremy Cowart. Those words were ‘I can’t.’ And, one day after another, those five letters were removed from his vocabulary, with the help of his parents and ever-inspiring mentors along the […]

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