How I photographed the incredibly talented trumpeter Spencer Ludwig

Recently I had the opportunity to photograph an incredibly talented trumpeter by the name of Spencer Ludwig. You’ve definitely heard his song ’Diggy’ in all of the Target commercials lately, and he’s currently touring throughout North America kicking out the jams. After some emailing back and forth we decided that the best spot to shoot […]

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How to encourage potential clients to work with you

In my last article “Photography marketing: preparing the ground for your business to flourish” I pointed out how we can do our best to market ourselves and how — occasionally — coincidences or serendipity play a much bigger role than marketing. Now I want to go through the habits that could significantly improve the chances […]

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How a photographer created fantastic light painting with fire

“Playing with fire” denotes something dangerous and with a possible negative outcome. But in photography, playing with fire can be exactly the opposite. If you do it right, it can lead to fantastic and creative images. Photographer ‎Zach Smidt gave us an excellent example of this. His image named The Ritual is playing with fire at […]

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What does it really mean to be a professional photographer?

What does it mean to be a professional photographer, and what makes you a professional photographer? Is it about earning money and making a living from photography? Or perhaps there is more to it? In his latest video, John Edelman tries to give an answer to these questions and define what makes a professional photographer. […]

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Why Sharpness is Overrated

“Sharpness is a bourgeois (rich person) concept.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson 1. Softer lenses often have more soul I remember when I started digital photography; the sharper the photo, the better. In reality, a sharper photo is not a better photo. Often, a softer photograph gives you a more pleasing, soft, warm, and emotional aesthetic. For […]

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The best autofocus most photographers never use

Photography is so complex that there are a million approaches behind it. However, there is one thing that almost every photographer can agree on: you have to focus right! Otherwise it ends up blurry and the photo doesn’t clearly portray what you wanted to present. Blur isn’t necessarily bad though. If you want to convey […]

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The ethics of Photojournalism

From time to time when I read about Street Photography, or during discussions with other photographers I get to hear that Street Photographers exploit people on the street by taking pictures without asking first. This opinion raises some valid questions including the ethics in Street Photography, but also shows the double standards that we follow in the […]

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How I created underwater rooms for “Thinking Plastic” photo project

“Describe heroin, what’s it like?” he asked Wendy. “Oh it’s euphoric, it solves all your problems… Except it kills you. Sometime around 1994, Australian television personality Andrew Denton conducted an interview with Wendy Whiteley, widow of the Australian artist Brett Whiteley. Both Wendy and her late husband had a very well documented addiction to heroin. […]

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