Can you guess what’s real and what’s added in post?

Visual effects are all around us in movies and TV shows today. Compositing different elements together, to create a final sequence that didn’t actually exist. It’s also become a lot more common with still images, too. But it’s often given a hard time, both in stills and the movies. The usual argument against them is […]

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How to use complementary backgrounds to make subjects pop

In the studio, making your subjects stand out from their background is relatively straightforward. Because you have control over everything. You choose what goes behind them, what lights you use, and where they go. Outdoors, though, these options aren’t always available to us. We have to work with what our environment provides. So, how can […]

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This is how a piece of photographic gear became the iconic Star Wars prop

Did you know that the most iconic movie prop ever was made out of a piece of photographic gear? While George Lucas was making A New Hope, he used all sorts of junk as props. He wanted to suggest the sense of history and make the items in the movie seem used. Because of this, […]

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7 tricks and tips to let you get the most out of your smartphone photography

I use my phone’s camera far more than I would have ever expected a few years ago. Sure, they never really compete with large sensor cameras and interchangeable lenses, but they’ve come a long way. I always have it with me. It’s more than good enough for a lot of the snaps I want to grab while […]

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This video explains linear perspective and geometry when shooting portraits

Remember the animation showing how focal length impacts the portrait? When you shoot with different focal lengths and your subject takes the same space in the frame, you’ll get a certain amount of distortion. As a matter of fact, this is one of the reasons why camera “adds ten pounds”. In this video, Koldunov Brothers […]

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I was in a refugee camp with my cameras when Trump shut the borders. Here’s what I saw

I was documenting the Souda refugee camp in Chios, Greece in January, when President Trump signed the Executive Order to close US borders to immigration from 7 Muslim-majority countries. The conditions in the Souda refugee camp varies from constantly harsh to increasingly inhuman. Here’s what I saw. Freezing weather, freezing wind, freezing tents, freezing skin, […]

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Crop vs. full frame sensor: how different cameras perform with the same lens

A camera with a crop (APS-C) sensor and the one with a full frame sensor give different results with the same lens. It can sound abstract in theory before you actually see the results. Photographer Ilko Alexandroff created a comparison between APS-C body and a full frame body, using 85mm and 135mm lenses on both. So, from […]

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4+ tips for working with animals and kids on a film or photo shoot

They say never work with children or animals. The children bit I completely agree with, but I find animals to be an absolute pleasure to work with. Not everybody’s used to working with animals (or kids), though, either on camera or off. Whether you’re shooting video or stills, they can be challenging. To help overcome […]

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