These photographers guide you through the locations of your favorite movies and TV shows

Have you wondered where some of your favorite movies or TV series were filmed? Or maybe you need an inspiration for your next shooting location? Let Tiia Öhman and Satu Walden (Fangirl Quest) guide you. These ladies are travelers and photographers who hunt down the locations of numerous TV series and movies and take photos […]

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How To Create Completely Fake Yet Totally Authentic Ski Chalet Fire Light Photos

We recently spent some time skiing at Mont Tremblant in Quebec Canada. One of the highlights of skiing is, of course, the apres ski. For me that means sitting by the fire with a good book / coffee / scotch. In this post, I will share all of the details (technical and aesthetic) that went […]

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From losing your gear to losing your life – how much would you risk for a shot?

Recent stories of climbing the skyscrapers and dangling from them for the sake of a shot got me thinking. It’s been a while since we published these stories, and the question of safety during the shoot is still stuck in my head. I’d really love to hear your opinion on this topic, as well as […]

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Why you should be grateful to other photographers

Do you observe fellow photographers as competition, or as friends? Are they a pain in the neck, or a valuable source of knowledge and inspiration? And how do you take criticism from other photographers? These are some of the topics I have been thinking about lately. Seeing and publishing my fair share of photos, information […]

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This photographer creates crazy Toy Stories using practical effects

I’m amazed by the art talented photographers can make with toys, and one of such photographers is Mitchel Wu. He creates “Toy Stories” using the toys from the popular Pixar’s franchise. His photos show action frozen in time, but he doesn’t add the objects in Photoshop. Everything you see is created in the scene and […]

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Use it or lose it – Have you got the brain for street photography?

It might sound like a provocation but it is not. You should notice the little difference. I am not asking if you have got the brains for street photography. I am asking if you have got the brain for it. The single “s” in brain(s) is the difference. A huge difference. Asking if you have got the brains for it is asking if you […]

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This photo has no red pixels and you’ll refuse to believe it

I initially refused to believe it when this photo came across my feed. My eyes aren’t broken! I can see they’re strawberries, and they’re definitely red. They have to be trolling us with this image, right? I immediately took it into Photoshop and used my color picker because I just had to prove myself that […]

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Up your landscape photography with these 5 hacks in 100 seconds

Looking for ways to spice up your landscape photography? Travel and landscape photographer Toma Bonciu gives you 5 simple hacks in only 100 seconds. You need a tripod, some ND filters, a camera remote and willingness to change your point of view. 1. Long exposures in unusual places Place the camera on a tripod and […]

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See the difference between natural light, flash and high speed sync

there plenty of ways to achieve the lighting you want or use the one you have. In this video from Derrel Ho-Shing, you’ll see differences between three different light sources and setups. He’s shooting the model using natural light, a flash, and high speed sync. Same model, same location, same time of day – yet […]

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