Photoshop Artist Makes Kids Dream Jobs Instantly Happen

I have two daughters (11 and 4) and one son (7). They wanna be: an actress, a robot maker and a dancer-chef-teacher-driver. I’ll let you do the match up. Actually many of us had “dream jobs” when we were growing up and for some, we never got to experience those dreams because life took us on different […]

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Every Photographer Has a Place

One of the most common posts I see in photography forums and groups are those upset about the prices other photographers are charging. While this may be a bit of a controversial post, I’d like to offer another way to view this oft argued subject. It never fails, after a year or two of charging for […]

Why Did It Change?

(And then Missy took it way down regarding photograph–so far down, that she referred to herself in the 3rd person. xoxo) I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. I have no idea how to wear a scarf without looking like it’s 1974 and I am constantly changing my online passwords because I can’t remember […]

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This is What it Looks Like When You Strap an Action Cam to a Boomerang

We’ve seen our fair share of interesting stabilization rigs, but this one might just take the cake. It’s a Mobius action cam strapped to the top of a tri-blade boomerang. Created by Victor Poulin of Boomerangs by Vic, this contraption uses a freely rotating swivel in the dead center of the boomerang and keeps the […]

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“What’s that say?”

There’s a rule about having numbers or letters in a shot, “Your eyes will always go to the letters and numbers first to see what they say.” I was planning on a personal project to have Wonder Woman breaking some binding chains on a set with some graffiti behind her. So I talked to a […]

An Exercise In Inspiration

As photographers, we often pride ourselves in our ability to see the inspiration and creative potential in any scene. This is a skill that comes through practice and the development of your artistic eye over time. This may seem to come naturally, especially for seasoned photographers, but there is never a bad time to refresh […]

Time-lapse Shows a ‘Brinincle’ Freezing All Life In Its Path

It might be a few years old, but when we came across the ‘icicle of death,’ we couldn’t help but to want to share it with you. Filmed by Hugh Miller and Doug Anderson for BBC One’s Frozen Planet series, this strange phenomenon is the result of extremely cold brine sinking to the bottom of […]

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