Location Scouting for Landscapes: 10 Lesser-Known Locations

Are you drawn towards travelling, remote areas, and landscape photographs but are struggling to find great locations to shoot? Well, you may need some help with location scouting. Not to worry. Below, I’ve curated for you a list of ten gorgeous landscape photography locations that most don’t know about, to help satisfy

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This Indian “Photographer Prince” made his harem pose for photos over 150 years ago

As the Maharaja of Jaipur, Ram Singh II was famous for many things. It was during his reign that slavery, infanticide and other cruel customs were abolished. He was, however, also known for being a rather avid photographer. He could see the value of photography years before many people had even heard of it. In […]

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World’s Oldest Working Photo Studio Shuts Down After Long Legal Battle

Today, a week after an exhibition titled ‘Bourne and Shepherd: Figures in Time’ came to a close in the plush locality of south Delhi, Bourne and Shepherd, Asia’s first photography studio and the world’s longest functioning decided to shut shop in Kolkata after 176 years. The studio, was still functioning out of its original, regale building […]

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The ugly side of wildlife photography

Wildlife and their habitat are facing a new threat—from unethical practices deployed by a new breed of nature photographers. An exponential surge in the popularity of nature photography is unknowingly altering species behaviour and creating habitat disturbances. Take the following instances. At the beginning of this year, a video in which a tiger was seen […]

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Half of Selfie-Related Deaths Worldwide Were in India; “No-Selfie Zones” Proclaimed

While India’s population accounts for roughly 17% of the world’s population, about half of the 27 or so selfie-related deaths that occurred in 2015 were in India. Trying to stop the tragic phenomenon, Mumbai police announced they’ve identified 15 where “selfies can be dangerous” and have announced them as being “no-selfie zones”. To do so, […]

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Selfie-related accident kills Japanese tourist at the Taj Mahal

The selfie craze claims another victim, this time in Asia. A Japanese tourist visiting India’s Taj Mahal died on Friday after slipping down the stairs at the Royal Gate. An eyewitness told BBC Hindi that the incident took place while the tourist was taking a selfie at the famous monument. Local police reported that the […]

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