How effective would a Photoshop traffic light system be on advertising images?

Last week Target announced that its forthcoming swimwear advertising campaign will be Photoshop-free. It’s an approach that I endorse, and I was intrigued to see some of the comments on the article here on DIYPhotography. Don Barnard suggested that having a traffic light system, a little like the nutritional content warnings on food packaging, showing […]

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Can someone snap a photo of me in the street and use it to identify me?

With facial recognition technology you can take pictures of people in the street, run them through publicly available photographs online, and get a match. You would have heard this statement if you had been listening to the 20 September 2016 episode of Seriously on BBC Radio 4, called ‘The Online Identity Crisis’. I only heard […]

The post Can someone snap a photo of me in the street and use it to identify me? appeared first on DIY Photography.

How To Retouch Skin And Still Look Natural

When it comes to retouching skin, it’s really quite simple. In fact, you can do it

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