2017 will be the year that film makes its big return

I just came across a very interesting set of interviews posted on Zorki Photo. In the post, photographer Stephen Dowling talks with the bigwigs at Ilford, Kodak, Film Ferrania and others. He wanted their thoughts on the current world of film potography. They all agree, the market is definitely growing. Of course, they sell film, so they’re […]

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This neat animation shows how a Single Lens Reflex camera works

Ilford Photo have been popping out some new videos lately. Amongst them is this cool little animation that shows, in simple terms, how a 35mm film SLR works. The 35mm Single Lens Reflex camera was a revolutionary development for photography. It was the ultimate compromise of quality and portability. But most importantly, it allowed the photographer to […]

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How to get the best contrast and most detail when developing your own black & white film

The World of analog photography keeps surprising me every day a bit more! I recently read about a technique called Stand Development so I have decided to try it myself. For those of who never heard of it before, let me explain you the differences between a normal development process. When developing, as recommended by […]

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This may be the last Cibachrome image ever taken, and it’s a hand built camera

Have you ever tried Cibachrome (Ilfochrome) processing? The materials for it are not produced any longer, and I suppose most of us will never get to see or make such photos. But artist and engineer Tim Hunkin was lucky enough to have some of the papers left in stock. He chose quite a strange DIY […]

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Shooting large format on a budget with 4×5 direct positive paper

There’s little question that getting into film photography can still become rather expensive, especially if you’re going large format. But it doesn’t have to be. Sure, you can spend a fortune on a large format view camera and complete darkroom setup, but do you really need it? I’ve been following Joe Van Cleave’s YouTube channel […]

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The Ultimate Mastin Labs Review — Fuji Pro, Portra, Ilford (+Exclusive Discount)

You won’t find a ton of reviews for Lightroom presets or Photoshop actions on this blog, but this is my second Mastin Labs review (read the first one here) for a very good reason: The majority of presets packs, while powerful, tend to be very broad and distracting for new photographers, but Mastin

The post The Ultimate Mastin Labs Review — Fuji Pro, Portra, Ilford (+Exclusive Discount) appeared first on Expert Photography.