Typical. You wait ages for a bus to show up, and then one suddenly photobombs your demolition video

It’s typical.  You wait forever for a bus to come along, and then they always seem to show up right when you don’t need them any more.  The creator of this video, which was supposed to be of the demolition of a high rise block of flats a few days ago in Glasgow, Scotland, certainly […]

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The Streisand Effect strikes again! “Unflattering” photograph Peter Dutton wants removed from the Internet goes viral

After Streisand, Beyonce, Kanye and countless others, you’d think they would learn.  The more you want something removed from the Internet, the more likely it is that everybody’s going to see it. Our latest “victim” of what has become known as The Streisand Effect is Peter Dutton, Immigration Minister for Australia.  Fairfax Media photographer, Alex Ellinghausen caught this […]

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The Streisand Effect strikes again! “Unflattering” photograph Peter Dutton wants removed from the Internet goes viral

After Streisand, Beyonce, Kanye and countless others, you’d think they would learn.  The more you want something removed from the Internet, the more likely it is that everybody’s going to see it. Our latest “victim” of what has become known as The Streisand Effect is Peter Dutton, Immigration Minister for Australia.  Fairfax Media photographer, Alex Ellinghausen caught this […]

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How to use a condom as a camera lens, and other such silliness

Having previously used the humble balloon as a soft light diffuser for a camera’s popup flash, the Koldunov Brothers received a question if you could switch out the balloon for a condom to achieve similar results. While they quickly determined that a condom didn’t work quite as well as the balloon as a softbox, the […]

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If your camera were a human, who would it be? Sony pokes a little fun at DSLRs in their latest commercial

To show off the features of the Sony RX100 IV camera, Sony Thailand has produced an amusing three minute video imagining your camera as if it were a human in order to make their points on the RX100 IV’s advantages over a big, bulky, scary DSLR. With features like a flip screen, the RX100 IV certainly offers its […]

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Humor: A Letter of Complaint from Her Majesty, The Queen

(Please Note: I can neither confirm nor deny this letter was sent.  I personally think the portrait is marvelous, but I’ve been called “Old School,” so what do I know?) Dear Annie Leibovitz, I am writing in regards to the most recent photographs taken of me for my 90th birthday. I shan’t delve into all […]

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Come and sit on the world’s first “Selfie Bench”

In an attempt to save face, Bridgend County officials have christened a pair of benches located on the shore in Porthcawl as the UK’s first “selfie benches”, although that was not their original intent. It turns out, the benches were just installed the wrong way around, and instead of pointing at the beautifully picturesque seaside, it […]

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Olympic Diver Tom Daley discovers why it’s not always such a great idea to ask the Internet to Photoshop your photo

British Diver and Olympic Bronze Medalist Tom Daley ran a brief competition on his Twitter feed recently.  The brief was simple.  Modify a photograph with the winner being chosen to become the new banner for his Twitter profile. With 2.6 million followers, Tom had no shortage of entries, and the competition was soon hijacked by Photoshop pranksters, as was inevitable. […]

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Nikon issues pre-emptive recalls for both D5 and D500. Please return yours for service, in advance

Tokyo, Japan. March 4, 2016  For Immediate release: “Steve” Mikimoto of Nikon’s professional imaging division announced this week that Nikon will be preemptively recalling both the D500 and D5 cameras nearly a month before their actual scheduled release. While neither camera has evinced any technical problems to date the company wishes to prevent another episode such as […]

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Kirby Jenner Got Cropped Out Of Too Many Celebrity Photos: An Interview

In late summer 2015,  Kirby Jenner emerged in Instagram. By his own testimony, he is the twin brother of Kendall Jenner, their sister model and celebrity star Kim Kardashian. The pictures on the account of the mustached twin brother left no doubt about the authenticity of his story. We have an  exclusive interview with Kirby Jenner which shows […]

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