Random Photo Marketing Generator promises “old-world craftsmanship” for forum warriors and cat photos

When a new piece of gear is released, it’s accompanied by a press release. This press release is often filled full of jargon and tech speak. Details that 99% of customers either don’t understand or even really care about. But big numbers and words that are difficult to pronounce look impressive. So, manufacturers include them. […]

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Photographer wanted to capture Moon, but then he focused and saw his mistake

How many times have you thought of an object to be something else? This happened to Fox 5 DC journalist Van Applegate and caused one of his images to go viral. Thanks to a mistake he made while taking the photo, the very same photo went viral and put a smile on faces of many. […]

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This year’s April fools’ jokes from around the world photography world

Although we have ran the occasional pranks in the past for April Fools’ Day, we decided not to do one this year. We wanted to just sit back and enjoy everybody else’s jokes this year. As it’s already April 1st in Australia, a few have started coming through already. We’ll be updating this post as […]

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Watch a sea lion trying to check what a cameraman tastes like

Being a photographer or videographer is not easy, as you need to deal with all sorts of challenges and all kinds of people. But animal photographers are among those I admire most. It’s difficult to capture animals and make them do what you want. With them, you almost never know what they will do. Sometimes […]

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This is how DSLR users look in 2017 according to some guy on Craigslist

You know, it’s funny. The only people who seem to care what DSLR users look like are the people who no longer use DSLRs. Most users aren’t so publicly vocal about it as a particular user on Craigslist. This was spotted by our buddy Mitch over at Planet5D on Facebook. When looking a little deeper into […]

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This is what famous movie characters would look like in Eastern European setting

Have you ever imagined famous movies and TV series in an alternative surrounding? A witty Russian artist known as 2D Among Us has. He has created a series of photos with characters from our favorite movies and series placed in the Eastern European setting. 2D Among Us describes this project with a question: What would […]

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This guy takes hilarious selfies to make it look like he has a girlfriend

Selfies may not have too many purposes, but at least some of them can make you laugh. Rain Yokohama made sure to create a series of selfies that will definitely make your day. He took several “photos with his girlfriend”, which would be totally usual – if he had a girlfriend. In this humorous gallery […]

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