Lightroom Coffee Break: Adding Keywords with Less Hassle

In the latest video from the Lightroom Coffee Break series, Adobe’s Benjamin Ward explains how to easily add keywords to your photos in Lightroom. Simply use the Command key [Mac] or Control key [Windows] with the arrow key to advance to the next photo without having to take your hands off the keyboard. The video […]

Lightroom Coffee Break: Using the Targeted Adjustment Tool

In the latest Lightroom Coffee Break video, Adobe’s Benjamin Ward explains how to use the Targeted Adjustment tool in Lightroom. I’ve talked about using the Targeted Adjustment tool in Lightroom to reduce red skin on faces. It’s a powerful tool I use all of the time. If you haven’t tried it before, give it a go. […]

6 Tips for Taking the Best Smartphone Pictures

Whether you are taking pictures with a $2,000 DSLR or your smartphone, there are some basic steps you can follow to ensure crisp and memorable pictures. With a modern smartphone, you have a camera that is capable of taking amazingly sharp pictures, but you need to understand how to find the right conditions (contrast, focus, […]

Make your Sky Outstanding in Photoshop

In this video from Karl Taylor, he walks us through one of his tips using the mulitiply blend mode and masking around some details in Photoshop to add more drama to the sky in landscape images.
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Six Tips to Make your Holiday Pictures Sing

As the well-known advertising jingle says, the holidays are coming. A time when families get together, eat, drink, be merry and generally have a whale of a time. So there’s no better time to whip out the phone and start capturing images of the frivolity. If you want to get great pictures though, there are […]

How to Shoot Dance with Motion Blur & Detail

In this video from Broncolor featuring Karl Taylor and Urs Recher, we learn how to combine two different kinds of lights in dance photography to capture motion blur and frozen detail. While they are using high-end Broncolor HMI lights with Broncolor Siros flashes, these concepts of working with flash and ambient light can work on any budget. […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Histograms

Histograms allow us to observe the graphical representation of our exposures. Most modern cameras are equipped with the ability to review the histogram and often place a live histogram on a camera’s display to help judge the exposure before we take a photo. In this video from Karl Taylor, he walk through the basics of reading and […]