Is Travel Photography the latest victim in the Photoshop manipulation saga?

We’ve covered the “evils of Photoshop” as it pertains to human subjects a number of times, but the use of some photography and Photoshop techniques in travel photography are starting to cause concerns to grow that tourists will become disappointed upon arriving at their destination. Social Media’s constant pressure for “Shares” and “Likes” is only fuelling this […]

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2015 Holiday Gift Guide

A lot of us are just coming out of the fog of Christmas photography rush orders and holiday shipping deadlines for photo products. We finally have time to breathe, and browse, and shop! I’ve put together a list of gifts that I’d personally recommend that hopefully, a little bit different than other lists you’ve seen. […]

Christmas Bokeh and Compression

The other day, I was watching a family take photos in front of a Christmas tree. They were standing directly in front of it. I realized that with a bit of practice, and knowledge, we can really use the lights in the tree to our advantage, and set the stage for a fantastic background for […]

Photo of the Day: Christmas Family Photo

Category: Family Photograph: Christmas Family Photo–  Jeremy W Cox Setup: Composite shot with individual shots of figurines, head shots and background. Key light above subject slightly to the right (variable distance based on subject size) with Lumiquest Softbox Ltp or Softbox III depending on subject size. Fill light with Westcott umbrella bounced off white ceiling. Accent light from back left. […]

Bring Your Camera to Holiday Events… Others Will Thank You

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States.  A day that many come together with friends and family.  Around the world, we are entering into times of holiday celebration, reflection, and get-togethers. This is a great time to bring your camera to functions.  Shooting candid portraits helps preserve memories for all who come.  Even if you […]