How to find great portrait locations even in the ugliest neighborhood

Sometimes even in the crappiest conditions you can make great photos. Although, I thought this was impossible in the part of the city where I live. However, this video from Jordan Matter helped me change my point of view. It shows you how to choose great locations for your headshots even when you’re limited to […]

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Cinematic headshot lighting with just one light and a few flags & reflectors

Working with minimal equipment can be a fun challenge. If you’re just starting out and have only limited gear, it can be your only choice. But what can you do to help make that one light produce more interesting results? Well, with the help of some flags and reflectors, you can do quite a bit. […]

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How to define the chin on sky-faced subjects.

Really quick and dirty article for you this week on a handy little tip I found myself having to find for a solution to a problem. I was doing a photoshoot with this subject when I noticed how awesome the decking looked, I decided that I wanted to get a…

How to choose the best lens for portraits and headshots

One question that I see coming up daily in various photography groups on Facebook is “What’s the best portrait lens?”, and the simple truth is that there isn’t one.  It depends on the camera system you’re using, the look you’re trying to achieve, and a bunch of other factors. In this video, Joe Edelman shares […]

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This is how one photographer uses gelled flashes and modest equipment to produce awesome portraits

Originally from Ghana, photographer DextDee Livingstone had to travel all the way to China to discover his passion for shooting portraits, but we’re sure glad that he did. Now back in Ghana, DIYP got in touch with DextDee to find out more about him, and to get some insight into how one particularly striking portrait […]

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Book Review: The Headshot, by Peter Hurley

You can look at my work and compare it with the books I’ve read and you’ll probably be able to tell which book I read because it strongly influences my work. Well, even though I just finished Peter Hurley’s book, The Headshot, he has been influencing my work ever since he was featured on Scott Kelby’s […]

Setting Up the Shot: Commercial Studio Headshot

Here is a basic set up to achieve a commercial studio headshot. If you’ve never played with lights, it can be intimidating but once you just do it, you will find you have much more control and it’s not as scary as you imagine. This is a very basic set up with two lights. 1 Key light, 1 […]