YouTube partners with GoPro for VR content, hopes to support HDR video ‘soon’

It looks like YouTube is getting extremely interested in up-and-coming video formats, including virtual reality (VR) and high dynamic range (HDR). During YouTube’s keynote at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this week in Las Vegas, Chief Business Officer of YouTube, Robert Kyncl, announced the video platform is partnering up with GoPro to produce and share 360º […]

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How to Use HDR for Nighttime Photography

Making pictures at nighttime can be challenging. Parts of a picture that are lit with street lamps or other lights are very bright compared to the darkness of the sky or the shadows under trees and porches. This scene is described as having a high dynamic range—the difference between light and shadow is very great. […]

Offbeat with Joel Grimes

Joel Grimes’ work is instantly recognizable. From powerful, dynamic posing, to a rich, yet desaturated, HDR look, to masterful compositing which is both surreal and firmly grounded in reality, his photography is iconic. His work has such intensity that, when I met Joel a few years back, expected him to be equally intense and, perhaps, […]

Shooting Personal Projects

A great way to challenge yourself and enhance your skills is to shoot some personal projects. Here is an opportunity to stretch your imagination. Building sets, buying props, coordinating wardrobe, scouting locations and casting talent are all part of the process of shooting your personal projects. When you apply all these things, your ideas will […]

Beat the Bracket Racket – Shooting HDR Base Images the Right Way

Photographers have struggled with limited dynamic range for as long as there have been photographers. Expose for the highlights in most scenes, and you will end up with crushed shadows where no details can be extracted from the inky blackness. Conversely, if you expose for the shadows, the highlights will blow out, leaving nothing but […]

Sony Releases New “Sky HDR” App for its Cameras, Costs $10

Sony has released a new Sky HDR app that you can purchase and download for Sony cameras. It is available in the Sony PlayMemories store for $9.99. As Sony describes it, “This application lets you optimize the exposure when you shoot scenes containing vastly different brightness levels, such as dark landscapes with the sun in […]

HDR Hangout: Creating Natural Looking HDR Images

In this free webinar, you’ll learn how to create HDR image that look natural and not over-processed.  It’s perfect for all photographers (even if you shoot only a single exposure). HDR Hangout: Creating Natural Looking HDR Images In this hangout we’ll explore how to use high dynamic range shooting and developing techniques to create natural looking photos. […]

Making a HDR file in Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop

Let night, I got into a quick discussion last night with Tom Hogarty from Adobe about HDR. Yesterday I made a small note in Mason Marsh’s article about Lightroom using a 16-bit HDR file while Aurora, Photomatix, and Photoshop use 32-bit images. Turns out that’s not a completely fair comparison.  Lightroom uses a 16-bit floating […]

HDR Hangout: Choosing Between Tone Mapping or Exposure Fusion

You gotta join us live for our next Google+ Hangout, totally free of charge. Not only will you learn terrific techniques, but if you tune in live, you can be entered to win excellent prizes to help you in your work. (Note: MUST BE TUNED IN LIVE TO WIN). Be sure to tune in: Monday, November 2, 2:00 PM—3:30 PM ET […]