Getting Started with HDR Shooting

I head out to Great Fall National Parks to walk you through HDR shooting. Have you tried to photograph the beauty of a scene but just can’t capture its intensity or range? In this episode, I’m joined by special guest, Abba Shapiro explore the world of HDR photography. You will learn the benefits for using High Dynamic […]

Shooting HDR Timelapse – Developing HDR Photomatix

I’m a huge timelapse fan…  plus I’m a bit nutty about HDR.  In this tutorial I show you how easy it easy to batch process a giant HDR series.  I shot in Zion National park and created HDR timelapse movies to tell the whole story. You can learn more in this complete course. This […]

Deghosting HDR Images in Photomatix

HDR Photos are created by merging two or more exposures together to show the entire dynamic range of a scene.  This is an great tool that we explore fully in our HDR Learning Center. The challenge is a moving subject. Ghosting Ghosting happens when something moves during the exposure brackets. Leaves on trees blown by wind, waves on […]

HDR Hangout: Creating Natural Looking HDR Images

In this free webinar, you’ll learn how to create HDR image that look natural and not over-processed.  It’s perfect for all photographers (even if you shoot only a single exposure). HDR Hangout: Creating Natural Looking HDR Images In this hangout we’ll explore how to use high dynamic range shooting and developing techniques to create natural looking photos. […]

Making a HDR file in Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop

Let night, I got into a quick discussion last night with Tom Hogarty from Adobe about HDR. Yesterday I made a small note in Mason Marsh’s article about Lightroom using a 16-bit HDR file while Aurora, Photomatix, and Photoshop use 32-bit images. Turns out that’s not a completely fair comparison.  Lightroom uses a 16-bit floating […]

HDR Hangout: Choosing Between Tone Mapping or Exposure Fusion

You gotta join us live for our next Google+ Hangout, totally free of charge. Not only will you learn terrific techniques, but if you tune in live, you can be entered to win excellent prizes to help you in your work. (Note: MUST BE TUNED IN LIVE TO WIN). Be sure to tune in: Monday, November 2, 2:00 PM—3:30 PM ET […]

Lightroom Hangout: HDR for FUN!

You gotta join us live for our next Google+ Hangout, totally free of charge. Not only will you learn terrific techniques, but if you tune in live, you can be entered to win excellent prizes to help you in your work. (Note: MUST BE TUNED IN LIVE TO WIN). We’ll be giving away a copy of the Adobe Creative Cloud […]

Five Ways to Get Better Results with Photomatix Pro

We recently held an HDR Hangout to help you get started.  Our guest on the program was Blake Rudis of EverydayHDR.  Blake is a fine artist who fell in love with HDR photography.  He combines his understanding of light and form to make some powerful images. Here’s a followup guest tutorial from Blake. We hope you enjoy and […]

Getting Started with HDR Photography (Free Event 8/26)

Don’t miss our next Google Hangout. The event is Wednesday, August 26, 2015.  It’s absolutely free to attend thanks to HDRSoft. It starts at 1PM Eastern/10 AM Pacific.  You’ve probably heard about HDR photography…  but do you really understand how to shoot it properly?  In this informative and free event, top experts will share with you strategies on […]