
Blincam lets you take photos simply by winking at your subject

Let’s face it, the attached camera was pretty much the only decent feature of Google Glass. It’s also a feature that raised quite a few privacy concerns. The new Blincam, which allows its wearer to shoot a photograph simply by winking, also faces those same privacy issues. It also a presents a newer, slightly creepier, one. It’s […]

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You thought that Google Glass was bad? Sony wants to make a contact lens camera

Ions ago (at least in technological terms) Google were out to change the world with their Google glass wearable tech. One of the most prominent objections to that tech was people being afraid of being spied upon.  Google Glass now lies at the bottom of Google’s failed-projects cemetery. Sony is out to bring this concept […]

The post You thought that Google Glass was bad? Sony wants to make a contact lens camera appeared first on DIY Photography.