This is what sports photography was like in the 80s

This video recently surfaced on Reddit, after it was discovered by user TheKnightLife. It was featured in the 80s on ABC in the show “World of Photography”. As it turned out, the profile was on TheKnightLife’s father, sports photographer Bill Knight. Bill says in the video that he’d been on the tour for about 13 […]

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8 year old girl knocks a drone out of the sky with a golf ball

Drones are usually pretty good at staying stable. Especially when they have 6 or 8 props rather than the traditional 4 of a quadcopter. With Hexacopters and Octocopters you can even lose a blade, and it’ll still fly relatively well. At least long enough for you to land it. Apparently, though, not when hit by a […]

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