US District Court dismisses Carol Highsmith’s $1 billion copyright claim against Getty

Although some quite enjoyed the idea of seeing Getty get a good legal spanking for once, that is not how things are turning out. US District Court Judge Jed S. Rakoff has dismissed all of Carol Highsmith’s federal copyright claims. After the dismissal on October 28th, he left three of Highsmith’s state law claims intact. Those, […]

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Getty use underwater robots to photograph Olympic swimming events

The technological advancements that can be made in just four short years are amazing. 11 time Olympic photographer Al Bello is taking advantage of that fact this year. He’s covering the swimming events using underwater robot cameras. Robotic underwater cameras at the Olympics aren’t a new idea. Reuters used similar robots during London 2012. But this is […]

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Getty faces second mass Copyright lawsuit alleging infringement of over 47,000 photos

Getty Images seem to be having a tough time lately. After recently being hit with a $1 billion lawsuit by photographer Carol Highsmith, they are being sued again. The nine page civil complaint was filed by Zuma Press, an independent press agency, on Monady. In the suit, Zuma alleges copyright violations and unauthorised licensing of more […]

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Getty asks photographer to pay for her own photo, photographer responds with $1 billion lawsuit

Getty can be pretty quick to send out infringement letters, as well they should. In the case of a real infringement, they absolutely must be protecting the rights of their contributors. But what happens when Getty screws up and sends an infringement notice to the creator of the photograph? What then happens if Getty also try […]

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Getty asks photographer to pay for her own photo, photographer responds with $1 billion lawsuit

Getty can be pretty quick to send out infringement letters, as well they should. In the case of a real infringement, they absolutely must be protecting the rights of their contributors. But what happens when Getty screws up and sends an infringement notice to the creator of the photograph? What then happens if Getty also try […]

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Getty files Copyright suit over stolen photo resale scheme on Facebook

Getty Images has filed a copyright infringement suit against Ohio man, Walter A. Kowalczuk for allegedly downloading as many as 3,400 high resolution images from Getty’s servers without permission which he then resold through a private group on Facebook. According to PDN, Getty’s claim against Kowalczuk, filed June 8th in US District Court in Cleveland, states […]

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Getty’s leaps head on into the virtual reality market with over 12,000 new 360° images

This week, Getty have launched the new Getty Images Virtual Reality Group with over 12,000 360° images, as well as gigapixel content from major events and venues. Getty started on their 360 degree quest in 2012 at the London Olympics and at this year’s Rio Games, the company has said that every Getty photographer will possess a […]

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Getty shows off how many images they have with this amazing facial composite ad

If you ever needed proof that police photo composites could be pretty accurate, this is it. In an advert recently put out by Getty, they use facial compositing techniques to make up the faces of religious leaders, politicians and royalty using parts of random people from the millions of images in their archive. I would imagine Getty used […]

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Getty to Google: ‘Get the high res photo off your image search page’

Getty, probably the largest image agency in the world, just picked a fight with the largest… well.. anything in the world – Google. In an open letter, Getty accuses google of depriving sites of their traffic by displaying high-res photo in their image search. And it does not stop there. Getty also filed a formal […]

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