One Month On The Road: What I’ve Learned About Photography

Well, here we are. It’s been just over a month now that we’ve been on the road. We’ve done WAY less work than we hoped, but we’ve seen so much more than we expected. I imagine down the road we won’t feel so worried about getting so little work done, but right now it’s hard […]

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Staying on a Ranch

We’re currently staying on a horse ranch near Portland, nearly a month into our giant road trip. We didn’t know what to expect when we booked the place, but it’s absolutely incredible. The boys have really enjoyed exploring the place, and we’ve really enjoyed photographing them! Today I wanted to share a few of the shots […]

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6 Tips For Better Bokeh

ISO 125,  70mm,  f/2.8,  1/800s Normally what grabs our attention in a great photo is what is in focus. But have you ever looked at a photo and noticed how beautiful the out-of-focus areas are? Sometimes the out-of-focus areas might look like a gorgeous soft mass of blurriness. Other times it may seem as though […]

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Photo Journal: Canada Day Fireworks + Moon

Photographing fireworks seems like you’re capturing some kind of mythical beast. It was Canada Day yesterday, so I packed up my gear and drove off in search of some magical explosions to capture! (Learn more about how to photograph fireworks from this blog post here.) I’ve photographed many fireworks before (not professionally – though that […]

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