The emotional moment a photographer gets her stolen camera equipment back

The worst fear of most photographers is having their equipment stolen. Yes, it’s “only gear”, and yes you should insure it, but you grow attached to it. You get used to its little quirks that let you bring out the best in it. Even if it is insured, you have to wait, sometimes for weeks, […]

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German photographer sues Facebook over image metadata stripping and wins

It’s long been known that Facebook strips the metadata from photographs and other images that are uploaded. I’ve never seen an official answer from Facebook as to why they do this, but the leading theory seems to be one of privacy. With 136,000 images being uploaded to Facebook every single minute, that’s a lot of […]

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German Court Rules It Illegal to Possess Nude Photos of Your Ex

It’s no secret that many couples these days capture intimate photos during their relationship, but what should happen with those photos once the couple breaks up? In a decision that could criminalize millions of men (and some women), a German judge ruled that a man must delete nude photos of his ex-girlfriend. According to the […]

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The History and Science of Lenses; Or Why Lenses Aren’t Named Anymore

Despite being as important as the camera body, lenses seem to get less attention. Sure some extremely large or expensive lenses are mentioned every once in a while, but looking back how much do you really know about lenses? Not that much I assume, but you probably know who invented the first camera and at […]

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Photo of the Day: Jetpacks, The Silver Tower

Category: Architecture Photograph: Jetpacks – The Silver Tower – Frankfurt, Germany by Tobias Gawrisch. Originally shared on the Photofocus Facebook community, right here. To learn how your work can be featured on the site, please read this article. This Post Sponsored by: Perfectly Clear for Photoshop or Lightroom is all about saving you time so you can […]

Photo Methodology | Berlin Commuters

Let’s trade cities for a bit. Last week, we were situated in Granada, Nicaragua. This week, we’re going to move to an entirely different city in an entirely different part of the world—Berlin, Germany. I visited this wonderful city in February 2014 and loved how easy it was to navigate through their public transportation system. […]

Photographing Food Can Be Considered Copyright Infringement In Germany (And, Why I Agree)

Earlier this year, we talked about how many restaurants are embracing social media as a means of free advertising. Some American restaurants even changed their menus, ingredients, and plating to cater to those Instagram loving, self proclaimed “foodies”.  In Germany, however, it seems as though some chefs are a lot less keen on the idea […]

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