One Photographer’s Perspective on Moving From Canon To Sony

The battle between was never that fierce and it seems that the action is not over yet. In the blue corner we have the heavy weight champions, Canon and Nikon with their old-yet-proven DSLR lines and on the red corner we have Fuji and Sony with their slick-and-fast mirrorless lines. Moving from Canon to Nikon […]

The post One Photographer’s Perspective on Moving From Canon To Sony appeared first on DIY Photography.

Megapixels: Does Size Matter?

Back in 2009, when I made my living photographing stock imagery, the size of the images we could license made a difference in our potential for sales. Photos were sold based on how big the file was (in megapixels), so photographers with large-megapixel cameras had a more competitive edge over those of us who did not. At […]

The First Accessory I Buy For Every Camera

Screen protectors used to suck. Now they’re awesome! Check out this video to find out why it’s the first accessory I buy for every camera. Using a screen protector is a great idea: it protects your camera’s screen from the small scratches that accumulate from general wear and tear. Even with a screen protector you’ll still get […]

The post The First Accessory I Buy For Every Camera appeared first on Photography Concentrate.

Review of the Sony RX100 III: Field Test in Rio de Janeiro!

We’ve travelled around the world with bags bursting full of camera gear. We lugged our DSLRs up the Andes and through the Amazon, and toted a full size tripod across India. So when we headed to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to take in the 2014 FIFA World Cup, what did we pack? Only a tiny little […]

We’re Heading To Rio With (Only) The Sony RX100 III

When our close friends asked us if we wanted to join them in Rio de Janeiro for World Cup 2014 we didn’t hesitate – a good adventurer always says yes to a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But as we got closer and closer to the trip, and started to actually try to figure out the logistics, we were […]

How To Prepare For A Photography Trip

In less than one week we will be getting on a plane to go to Brazil, to watch the end of World Cup 2014 in Rio de Janeiro. (!!!) But even though the trip is still a ways away, we’ve already been preparing for weeks, especially when it comes to the photography side of things. There’s not […]