Lumo Power Converts Your iPhone To a Color Meter, Exposure Meter and Flash Meter

Lumu Labs has started a Kickstarter campaign for their newest light meter! Anyone who uses a light meter knows they are a very important piece of gear. The current offering by Lumu Labs is great because the tiny form factor allowed me to carry the meter in my pocket and than plug into my iPhone. You […]

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YI Action Cam Launches US Edition Exclusively On Amazon

In a move that will no doubt make a lot of peoples’ holiday shopping a lot easier, YI has just announced its action camera is now available in a ‘limited release version exclusively for the United States’. The YI action cam will be sold via Amazon Exclusives, so don’t expect to find it anywhere else […]

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Flickr’s Camera Uploads Dominated by Smartphones, Mirorrles almost Non-Existing

Flickr has just released their new year in review statistics. Some stats are surprising, some are obvious. What is pretty obvious is that Flickr uploads is dominated by smartphones (42% of photos). Actually, it is dominated by iPhones. 4 of the 5 most popular Cameras on Flickr are iPhones, with one being a Samsung Galaxy. Second in […]

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You Can Now Own a Super-Rare Nikkor 10mm Fisheye Lens With 180º Field of View for Only $10K

Are you a Nikon shooter? Do you have $10,000 laying around? Do you like to shoot REALLY wide? If you answered ‘yes’ to all three of the above questions, I have good news for you. You can pick up your very own Nikkor 10mm f/5.6 Fisheye Lens on Ebay. The lens is in mint condition, numbered 180470 […]

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The Perfect Tool for Sharing Stories During the Holidays

Photographers always say they like to make pictures that tell a story, and I feel the same way. During my last formal photography class (in high school!) I had an assignment to do a photo essay and I was supposed to compose a story with photographs. I bombed it. My essay was so boring, I […]

This Book is a Pop Up Pinhole Camera in Disguise (So Long as You Don’t Read the Title)

We’ve seen our fair share of interesting pinhole cameras, but in terms of cleverness, this one is going to be hard to beat. That’s because, it’s just as much a book as it is a camera. It’s a creation of artist Kelli Anderson, called This Book is a Camera. As the name of the book […]

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These Gloves Are Designed to Keep Your Fingers Toasty When Shooting in the Cold

As a photographer who lives and shoots in the Midwest (United States), I know all too well the pain of shooting in frigid temperatures on an annual basis. I’ve tried all kinds of gloves, mittens or hybrids to keep my fingers toasty while shooting, but none have proven to be the perfect pair, leaving at […]

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The Perfect Location Scouting App

Are you looking to have more organized shoots?  Well scouting your locations in advance is a big help as it lets you plan for what gear to bring and here to shoot.  But keeping all those notes and pictures organized can be a problem. Panascout from Panavision (makers of motion picture cameras) makes it easy. […]

Check It Twice. Photography Gift Ideas for less that $100

Every holiday season I face the same issue that many other photographers face: my loved ones want to get me photography-oriented presents but they have no idea what to get me. This problem is compounded by the fact that anything affordable that I can use in my photography I bought long ago, leaving only the […]