Photographing Wildlife/Birds From Your Car

Animals are skittish around other creatures with legs, but not so skittish with cars. I’ve been in situations where approaching certain birds for instance, I can’t get within 200 feet before they flush. But if I drive into the middle of the flock in a car, none of them moves an inch. For whatever reason, […]

Confirmed: Nikon D5 Will Have A 20MP Sensor; Will Dual CF Slots Replace XQD?

As the saying goes – when it rains, it pours. The first leaked photos of the D5 appeared less than two days ago and additional photos have already surfaced, shedding more light on Nikon’s next flagship DSLR camera. The sensor’s megapixel count was one of the two major unknowns about the camera and the latest […]

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Nikon D5 Photos Leaked; Why Is It Using A Sigma Lens?

The long-anticipated Nikon D5 flagship camera has finally shown itself in the first leaked photos, posted by Nikon Rumors. Since most of the recent rumored specs are very similar to the originally rumored specs, the most interesting aspect of the photos might be the fact that attached to it a Sigma lens. It’s one thing […]

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Gain Options by Switching Your Camera’s Focal Length

Wedding photography comes with a lot of challenges, although none more panic inducing (for the photographer) than the nice, cushy, 90 minute portrait time you and your client scheduled into the timeline has been eaten up by every other crisis during the day and now you’re left with 10 minutes to make MAGIC happen. Awesome […]

How Many Lenses Do You Own?

We’d like to know how open you are to using different types of gear.  Are you a believer in an all-in one lens or do you switch out for specialty situations. Please let us know why you do or do not shoot with other lenses in the comments.  We’re working on new tutorials about different […]

Future Samsung smartphones could have interchangeable lens mounts

Samsung might be looking to exit the mirrorless camera market, but a recent patent suggests they’re far from exiting the photography market as a whole. Newly discovered patents show that Samsung is potentially working on both dedicated smartphone cameras, similar to Panasonic’s Lumix CM1, as well as smartphones that feature interchangeable lens mount attachments. First […]

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The SCARLET-W is RED’s new entry-level cinema camera capable of 5K at 60fps

American camera manufacturer RED has officially lifted the veil on their newest camera, the 5K SCARLET-W. Sitting between their lower-end RED RAVEN and their more serious RED WEAPON, the SCARLET-W is capable of cranking out 5K video at 60fps, 4K at 150fps and 2K up to 300fps. Like the other cameras in their DSMC² lineup, […]

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Q and A Podcast: What questions do you want answered?

This upcoming podcast, Richard and I will sit down to go over several reader’s questions. Anything regarding gear, business questions, recent photography news, lighting and more. If there’s something you want explained, post your question in the comments below. We will take a handful of questions and mention your name in the podcast. Follow Pamela […]