How to shoot wet portraits in a home studio using high speed flash

Water is one of the most versatile subjects one can photograph. The very nature of water, though, means that it’s wet, so it can be messy and potentially dangerous. Working with it to shoot portraits in a home studio especially so. It’s not impossible, though. You just need to plan ahead, prepare properly, and perhaps […]

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Overpowering the sun; Shooting outdoor flash portraits in harsh bright sunlight

At some point or another, anybody who shoots portraits is going to need to shoot outdoors in bright sunlight. Even if you actively try to avoid it, it’s going to happen one day. It’s just inevitable. Maybe you’re not a portrait photographer, but you have a fancy camera and a flash. Friends or family may ask you […]

The post Overpowering the sun; Shooting outdoor flash portraits in harsh bright sunlight appeared first on DIY Photography.