How to shoot wildlife at night using flash

I only recently came across the YouTube channel of Australian wildlife photographer, Derek Hilton, but it’s one I quickly became fascinated with.  It’s probably the only photography channel I’ve seen on YouTube dedicated entirely to wildlife. In this pair of videos, Derek gives us some tips on photographing wildlife at night.  Interestingly, one of the […]

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Here is how to register the bride and groom to have a Sony automatically focus on them in a crowd

Wedding photographers, this the feature you’ve all been waiting for. The new cameras from Sony have a nifty feature that allows you to register a face and then tell the camera to look for a specific face and then try and find them in the frame and force focus on them. This feature works by […]

The post Here is how to register the bride and groom to have a Sony automatically focus on them in a crowd appeared first on DIY Photography.