How my profile photo got severly trolled by my photographer friends

Last week I got hit with a massive trolling by my photographer friends. If you saw the #lofthousepose somewhere on Facebook, I will apologize now haha….but before I get into it fully let me give you a little backstory on how this came about. First off the image in Question was this profile photo. It […]

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This bookstore matches book covers with customers’ faces in a fun photo series

Books are awesome, and so is photography – and an indie bookstore from France found an awesome way to bring these two together. Librairie Mollat‘s staff express their creativity in a fun way and take photos of their customers paired with book covers. This technique is known from before, but the photos on Mollat’s Instagram […]

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Editing a Cartoon Portrait in Photoshop (and a little Affinity Photo)

Following you will find a detailed guide on how to make these cartoonish portraits, but first  I must share how they came to be. If you just want the tutorial, jump a paragraph or two forward. A few weeks ago I traveled to Birmingham UK, to hang out at the Photography Show. I met up with the […]

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