Fuji define target market for the GFX and aims to gets serious about video

With the recent official launch of the Fujigilm GFX 50S some photographers have been left wondering exactly what market it’s aimed at. The array of videos they’ve released along with it cover a wide range of topics. But now Fuji have spoken. Makoto Oishi is manager of Fujifilm’s Sales and Marketing Group. He told DPReview in an […]

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Fuji GFX 50S Medium Format Priced at $6500

Fuji previously showed off the new GFX 50S medium format camera and new lenses back at Photokina 2016. Pricing was the big question on everyone’s mind and Fuji is hitting a pretty good price point at $6500, which comes in below the relatively affordable Pentax 645Z (now at $7000) and well below the new Hasselblad […]

The comprehensive Fuji EF-X500 speedlight flash review

In 2016, I joined team Fuji after being extremely impressed with the X-T2 body. I had been watching mirrorless technology for a while, but this was the first time a system had everything I wanted in a camera body. While I finally had a satisfying mirrorless experience, with great autofocus, low-light capabilities, and image quality, […]

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Fujifilm announce new X-T20 and X100F bodies and a $6,499 price tag on the medium format GFX

Fujifilm have today announced two new X-Series cameras, the X100F and X-T20, along with a new XF 50mm f/2 R WR lens. The X100F represents the fourth generation in the X100 series and comes with the 24.3MP sensor found in the higher end X-Pro2 and X-T2 cameras. The X-T20 also comes with the 24.3MP sensor and shoots 4K video. […]

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Fuji’s New Graphite Editions of the X-T2 and X-Pro2

Fuji unveiled a pair of new graphite editions of existing camera models this past week at CES 2017 – the Graphite X-T2 and Graphite X-Pro2. Both camera models maintains the specs of what is already on the market. The X-Pro2 is packaged as a kit with the XF23mm f/2 R WR lens and lens hood […]

Fuji teases 7 more GFX challenge videos to show off what it can do

Fujifilm seem to be going all out on the GFX hype, presenting us with a slew of videos. The first started in September with the initial announcement. We saw a few more new ones last week showing off its capabilities, and now they’ve released seven more. This time around, there seems to be a bit more of […]

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Fujifilm GFX videos offer insight into what we can expect from their medium format mirrorless camera

Fuji’s GFX 50S medium format camera got a lot of attention when it was announced at Photokina in September. But, it was also still shrouded in quite a lot of mystery. They wouldn’t let us have a look at it outside of its glass cabinet, and certainly not test it out. Even the official GFX […]

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My journey from DSLR to mirrorless cameras as a photojournalist

It started with a phone call from the picture editor of one of country’s best selling newspapers asking me to catch a flight that evening to Amsterdam to accompany a journalist for a story first thing the next morning. I was warned to be very discrete as the story could be very sensitive to some […]

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150+ filmmakers and photojournalists ask camera manufacturers for in-camera encryption. Here’s why!

Photojournalists and documentary filmmakers get into a series of unpleasant, dangerous and even life-threatening situations on a daily basis. Seizing or steeling their cameras is very common, and the unprotected data on camera’s memory card can easily fall into wrong hands. This is why Freedom of the Press Foundation published an open letter to five […]

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Fujifilm brings tethered shooting to the X-T2 with new firmware update

Let’s face it, everything looks good on a 3″ screen. So, the advantages of shooting tethered become immediately apparent in the studio. You’re able to quickly see the results as you shoot them on a much larger screen. This makes it much easier to spot distracting elements, issues with hair or makeup, and if the […]

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