Freelance Isn’t Free Act passes in NYC to protect freelancers from non-payment

This has been a long battle, one that freelancers throughout the world can relate to. Late and non-payment from clients. The Freelancers Union estimates that there are around 55 million Americans freelancing across the country, that’s around a fifth of the adult workforce. New York City presents an even higher ratio. It is said that 38% of […]

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TFP : Friend or Foe

Today we are going to have a debate! And the subject is TFP, something which I have a had a fair few debates on already in Photography groups on Facebook. Now I’m pretty sure you all by now you know what TFP means and what it entails, if you don’t, you are either very lucky, […]

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TFP : Friend or Foe

Today we are going to have a debate! And the subject is TFP, something which I have a had a fair few debates on already in Photography groups on Facebook. Now I’m pretty sure you all by now you know what TFP means and what it entails, if you don’t, you are either very lucky, […]

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‘Freelance Isn’t Free’ bill would protect NY photographers from getting ‘stiffed’ by stubborn clients

One of the most difficult parts of being a freelance photographer is having to get on clients for continually trying to weasel their way out of a contract, even after the work has been completed. Normally, you end up with the payment, but it’s not unheard of for photographers to get burnt. To help prevent […]

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