How to effectively use Warp Stabilizer to make your shaky footage rock steady

Even if you’re trying to be as rock steady as possible with your footage, the camera almost inevitably moves in a way you hadn’t counted on. Sometimes you’ll just shoot it again, but there may be no opportunity for that. You might not even know there’s a problem until you’re back home reviewing the footage. […]

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This 20-year old’s drone shots will inspire you and probably make you want to move to Australia

Shooting stills and video with drones is ridiculously popular, and shows no signs of slowing down. A lot of drone shots, though, are very much just the same old thing everybody else is doing. Occasionally, though, you come across something special and interesting. The work of 20-year old Gabriel Scanu is such a thing. Looking […]

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Add overhead support to your camera gimbal stabilizer for under $100

Camera stabilisation has come a long way over the last few years, but one thing you just can’t get around is the weight.  The more motors and electronics you have to add, the heavier it gets, and if you’re using a DSLR or bigger camera with a large lens, forget about it. Netherlands based Filmmaker […]

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