Modifying Speedlights & Magmod Mini Review

Making great light is essential to making great portraits. And I mean that: you’ve got to make great light. You can find a good source of available light, but I’ve rarely seen any available light that couldn’t be made better, either with reflectors and flags or by adding light somewhere with a flash. When you […]

Build your own Speedlight power pack – a pictorial with Manuel Cafini

Photographer Manuel Cafini recently posted a great series of images on how he built up his own SLA based battery packs for his speedlights to help improve recycle times and give him a bit more power. The tools and construction is fairly basic if you’re confident with a soldering iron, but you’re still dealing with electricity here, so if you try […]

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I’m Getting Rid of My Flash Gear and Here’s Why

People often ask me about the flash equipment I currently use, and what I would do differently if I were to start over today. I also often see “What should I buy?!?!” posts on photography groups on Facebook, and the simple truth is, we don’t know.  We have no idea what you need. We only know what we […]

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Wildlife Photography – You Can Use Flash

I don’t use flash very often and I especially don’t use it very often with wildlife but it is possible. For this image made with a Canon 1D MK II and Canon 500 f/4 lens, mounted on a tripod with gimbal head, I used a Canon flash with a Visual Echoes FX-1B “Better Beamer” Flash […]

Sigma Announces the New EF-630 Multifunction Flash

Sigma have just announced a new top dog in their flash line up in the form of the EF-630 Electronic Flash. This unit adds to the previous model, the EF-610, by offering more power, covering a wider zoom range of 24-200mm that taps out at 17mm with the built-in Wide Panel, and automatic zoom when mounted on top […]

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