Lighting direction as a tool: Popping vs blending your subject within a scene

As someone who shoots on location a lot I’m often given a choice on what I like to call “popping” or “blending” a subject into a scene, in short this really as as simple as using your main light source to either complement the direction of a natural / embedded light source in a scene […]

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How to shoot off camera flash portraits on a budget

Lighting gear can get really expensive really quick. $500 for a speedlight, $300 for a softbox, $100 for a light stand and mounting device. Already, that’s almost a grand for one of the most simple lighting setups out there. Not all strobes shots need to be big budget though. Photographer Matt Granger has shared a […]

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This 3D printed Bat-Signal is a DIY Light Blaster for your smartphone

If you frequent DIY Photography, you’ll know we’re big fans of the Light Blaster, a speedlight accessory that allows you to cast shapes and designs onto a subject or background. Today, we have for you a fun DIY project that does essentially the same thing, except for your smartphone’s camera flash. Created by Dalek, this […]

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Joe McNally offers an insightful behind the scenes look at a garage photo shoot

Joe McNally is one of the photographers I first started stalking following when I decided to start shooting portraits, and his books, The Hot Shoe Diaries & The Moment it Clicks, are two that will ever remain on my shelf. Year after year, for several decades now, Joe has continued to inspire and educate photographers all over […]

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Sony to introduce their own wireless radio flash trigger system

Sony has announced plans at the WPPI2016 trade fair in Last Vegas to release a “wireless lighting control system to meet the growing demands of professional Sony photographers”. The FA-WRC1M wireless radio commander and the FA-WRR1 wireless radio receiver will be the pair of units that make up this new system. In a press release, […]

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Profoto unveils collapsable beauty dish that won’t hog up space in your camera bag

36 years ago, Profoto released a lighting accessory they called the Softlight Reflector. Today, we call this creation a beauty dish, thanks to its unique design that softens light in the perfect manner for portraits. Today, Profoto has announced a new and improved version, the OCF Beauty Dish. And this time, it’s collapsable, making it […]

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