The never ending debate of Film vs Digital; Top DPs discuss the differences and evolution

It’s the debate that just won’t go away. Whether photography or cinema, film vs digital is a constant source of both controversy and amusement. In this video from Cooke Optics, we hear some insights from a different perspective. Heavyweight DPs such as Phil Meheux (Casino Royale), Sean Bobbitt (12 Years a Slave), John Mathieson (X-Men: […]

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How to “scan” film using your DSLR and process it in Lightroom

For those that shoot film, developing and dealing with chemicals isn’t usually the biggest hassle. Often it’s scanning the resulting film into the computer. Many lower end scanners simply don’t have the quality. Higher end ones, even flatbeds like the Epson Perfection V850 are out of the range of many film shooters. Drum scanners like […]

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Leica SOFORT Instant Camera

The new Leica SOFORT instant camera combines the world of Leica inspiration, creativity and expertise with the fun and fascination of instant film photography, for the very first time.
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Photographer documents nature vs humanity with a 4×5 large format film camera

Helene Schmitz is one of Sweden’s most successful art photographers. Her work focuses on the complicated and sometimes violent relationship between humans and nature. This idea has led to several award winning books, including her latest book Borderlands. In this short documentary by photographer and filmmaker Johan Stahlbergl, we get an insight into Helene’s thought process. […]

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Photographer documents nature vs humanity with a 4×5 large format film camera

Helene Schmitz is one of Sweden’s most successful art photographers. Her work focuses on the complicated and sometimes violent relationship between humans and nature. This idea has led to several award winning books, including her latest book Borderlands. In this short documentary by photographer and filmmaker Johan Stahlbergl, we get an insight into Helene’s thought process. […]

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This world record holder has 4500 cameras in his collection

Imagine if every time you bought a new camera, you broke a world record. That’s what happens to Dilish Parekh, owner of the largest collection of stills cameras in the world. He currently owns around 4500 cameras, icnluding Leica, Canon, Nikon, Zeiss, Kodak, Linhof, Rolleiflex and much more. In this three and a half minute video, […]

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Film photography makes a stunning comeback

Sales of photographic film have been steadily rising over the last few years, with professionals and amateurs alike rediscovering the artistic control offered by manual processes and the creative satisfaction of a physical end product In the early 2000…