How to travel with sensitive film and developing paper

X-ray has certainly brought a revolution and it’s a very useful invention. However, the X-ray and photographic film aren’t exactly best friends. If you travel by plane, you know that your luggage needs to go through an X-ray scanner. Unfortunately, the X-rays can do damage to every unprocessed film, including the one already in your […]

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Putting landscapes in jars with double exposures on film

These days, making a landscape appear as if it were inside a jar would typically be relegated to Photoshop. In the past, it was done by the use of double exposures. In a double exposure with analogue, you’re shooting twice without advancing the film. So, you’re basically adding one photograph on top of another (like […]

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The fundamentals of photography as told by the US Navy in 1948

The principles of photography really haven’t changed all that much since its early beginnings. The technology has come a long way, the recording mediums have evolved, but the fundamental principles are still the same. You still need a light tight box (your camera body), something to project light from your scene to the inside of […]

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The Camera Collector short film is now available for all to watch for free

Sometimes, the stories behind why we may own a certain piece of kit can be more interesting than the item itself. This short film from Andrea Casanova of Branco Ottico embodies that idea. Called “The Camera Collector”, the mysterious narrator recounts his tales of gear acquisition over the past half century. The beating his father gave […]

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Shooting large format on a budget with 4×5 direct positive paper

There’s little question that getting into film photography can still become rather expensive, especially if you’re going large format. But it doesn’t have to be. Sure, you can spend a fortune on a large format view camera and complete darkroom setup, but do you really need it? I’ve been following Joe Van Cleave’s YouTube channel […]

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Digitizing large format aerial photography film transparencies

One of the challenges (and rewards) of managing a digital production lab for a university research library is working with the wide assortment of analog formats that are collected within its archives, special collections, and map library holdings. For instance, we’ve recently begun conversion work on a 2002 aerial survey of Connecticut that was originally […]

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This free location scouting checklist helps you find the perfect shooting spots

For anybody who shoots outside of a set or the studio, location scouting is almost a necessity. Whether you’re shooting video or stills, if you have a specific look in mind for the final result, you need to have a suitable location. Sure, you can skip the whole planning thing, and just drive around while […]

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