German tourist dies while taking a “flying selfie” at Machu Picchu in Peru

They say that two things are certain in life; Death and taxes. Taxes we can’t do anything about, but I don’t think anybody until now realised just how many of those entirely preventable deaths could be attributed to shooting selfies. You just can’t seem to go very long these days without hearing about another one. Some […]

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Half of Selfie-Related Deaths Worldwide Were in India; “No-Selfie Zones” Proclaimed

While India’s population accounts for roughly 17% of the world’s population, about half of the 27 or so selfie-related deaths that occurred in 2015 were in India. Trying to stop the tragic phenomenon, Mumbai police announced they’ve identified 15 where “selfies can be dangerous” and have announced them as being “no-selfie zones”. To do so, […]

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Mother embarrasses her son on TV after rattlesnake-selfie fail

Just a few weeks ago a man in San Diego was bitten while trying to take a selfie with a rattlesnake, and a couple of weeks ago another Californian suffered a similar injury. While the first guy’s story drew attention worldwide due to the ridiculously high medical bill he received, Alex Gomez’ accident is making […]

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