Photographer runs epic photo shoot to recreate Beauty and the Beast with his daughter

Dads love their daughters and there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for them. And Josh Rossi, dad and photographer, combined the love for his daughter with the passion for photography. He made his three-year-old daughter’s dream come true with his photographic skills, lots of Photoshop and even more love. He turned his daughter Nellee into Belle from […]

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Bring Your Camera to Holiday Events… Others Will Thank You

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States.  A day that many come together with friends and family.  Around the world, we are entering into times of holiday celebration, reflection, and get-togethers. This is a great time to bring your camera to functions.  Shooting candid portraits helps preserve memories for all who come.  Even if you […]

DIY Light Painting Halloween Costume Photos – Eric Paré Style

If you want to try something different this Halloween, how about trying some light painting portraits with your kids? Its easier than you think, and I’ll show you how its done in this article. Each photo in this article includes the before and after of each image.  Click the slider in the middle and drag […]

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