Drones are definitely here to stay as US sales increased 117% in 2016

Some drone manufacturers didn’t have a great holiday season last year. But that hasn’t stopped people from buying them. According to a new report from market research company NPD, “premium” drone dollar sales are up. And up in a big way. They’ve more than doubled on the previous year, rising by 117%. NPD define “premium” as […]

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A complete walkthrough on registering your new Christmas drone with the FAA

The number of new drone owners I’ve seen showing off on social media the last few days is crazy. It’s obvious a lot have been given out over Christmas. While some new drone users have already hit a spot of  bad luck, one thing many will have to do is register with the FAA. A […]

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FAA releases commercial drone rules, they’re totally OK with your drone photography business

After long drawn out speculation and worry, the FAA have finally confirmed and released the regulations regarding commercial drone use. The short version is that they’re fine with it and being able to do it is relatively easy, as long as you’re over 16 years old. Posted to the FAA website, the new “107 to Title […]

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This small hovering drone that follows you around, can be controlled from your phone, shoots 4K video and doesn’t require FAA registration.

Drones have become ridiculously popular in the last few years, of that there is no doubt, but sometimes you don’t need all the power and load capacities of huge drones like the new DJI Matrice 600, or even the relatively modest Phantom 4. Sometimes, you just need a camera that hovers and follows you around, which is […]

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Small Drone Owners May Not Have To Register With The FAA After All

It was only two months ago that the FAA mandated that all drone owners will have to register with the FAA.  But now a “Micro Drone” amendment is suggested to be added to the FAA’s funding bill that will exempt small drone owners from registering. (The bill goes by the boring name of Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Authorization (AIRR) […]

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Drone Operator Arrested After Crashing Into the Empire State Building

Major cities and famous landmarks often make for awesome shots, and that’s probably what Sean Nivin Riddle was after when he went filming with his drone around New York City’s Empire State Building last night. Unfortunately for the 27-year-old his drone crashed into the 40th floor of the skyscraper, leading to local and federal security […]

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FAA Declares Super Bowl 50 a “No Drone Zone”

The FAA has issued a Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) that prohibits drone operation within a 32-mile radius of the stadium in Santa Clara, California. The TFR takes effect at 2PM and lasts until 11:59PM Sunday, February 7. I’m all for drone safety, but doesn’t 32 miles seem a little overkill to ban drones for a […]

American Airlines Crew Spotted Drone While Approaching Miami International Airport; Expect Repercussions

The Boeing 737 was making its way earlier this morning from O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, when according to FAA spokesperson Kathleen Bergen the crew spotted a drone 1-2 miles from the end of the runway. Although no evasive action was required by the plane, the FAA is investigating the incident and politicians are planning […]

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10 Tips for New Drone Flyers

Drones are really a lot of fun once you safely learn to fly them. Here are a few important tips to help you get up and flying. I didn’t list them in any particular order, so be sure to read through all of them before you get started.