Eye-Fi unbrick their X2 cards to give us what we should have had in the first place

Several weeks ago, you may remember a post about Eye-Fi’s decision to “End of life” a bunch of their products. It’s not uncommon for companies to drop support for their older products, no matter how popular they may be. The problem with their decision, though, was that it would’ve basically bricked all of those products from September […]

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EyeFi to drop support for some cards. They will ‘magically’ stop working on September 16, 2016

I’m a bit disappointed by this one.  I’ve been a huge fan of Eye-Fi cards for several years and own and use several cards. Now, they’re taking planned obsolescence to a whole new level by effectively making most of their past products useless in one fell swoop. According to an email I received from Eye-Fi […]

The post EyeFi to drop support for some cards. They will ‘magically’ stop working on September 16, 2016 appeared first on DIY Photography.