How to create bokeh explosion with one simple modification

If you enjoy experimenting with bokeh shapes, I’ve found a perfect tutorial for you. Mathieu Stern is known for his solutions which are so simple that they are ingenious. In under a minute, he’ll teach you how to create spectacular “bokeh explosion” with a simple modification of the lens. Mathieu uses a MIR-1B, a cheap […]

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Why batteries is something you want to buy original (even at exuberant pricing)

One thing that really irritates me is the price that camera makers put on their batteries. I mean an original battery for a sony A7II costs about $53, the same battery from a third party costs about $13, that’s quite a difference isn’t it? For the price of one original battery, you can get four […]

The post Why batteries is something you want to buy original (even at exuberant pricing) appeared first on DIY Photography.

Photographer’s gear gets blown up by the bomb squad

If you ever need a good reason to not leave your baggage unattended, this is it. After a “hard black box” was found on the steps of City Hall in Kansas City, what happened next seems obvious. The suspicious package was reported to the police, who promptly came and blew it up. KSHB reports that police were […]

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